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    Articles that do not meet the specified requirements are not published or returned.

    The editorial board reserves the right to edit articles, although from the point of view of scientific content the author's version is preserved.

    < Example of an article

                                                                                                               UDC 342.55

    Reasons for not implementing decisions

    constitutional (statutory) courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation

    I.A. Ivanov

    Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola

    In the article the author suggests possible options for solving the problem of non-enforcement of decisions of constitutional (statutory) courts of RF subjects. The author considers the reasons for non-execution of decisions of the bodies of constitutional justice, discusses the types of responsibility. The article discusses the positive experience in solving this problem, through & nbsp; Establishing cooperation with the prosecution authorities. Also, specific proposals are proposed aimed at ensuring the implementation of decisions of constitutional (statutory) courts.


    In the article, the author suggests possible solutions to the problem of non-execution of decisions of the constitutional (charter) courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The author examines the causes of non-execution of decisions of constitutional justice, discusses the types of responsibility. The article discusses the problem of the Procurator's Office. Also, proposals are made in the form of proposals for the execution of the constitutional (charter) courts decisions.


      Keywords:   Decisions of constitutional (statutory) courts, enforcement of court decisions, & nbsp; Non-execution of decisions, improper execution of decisions, responsibility for non-fulfillment of decisions.


    Key words: Decisions of constitutional (courts) courts, enforcement of court decisions, non-execution of court decisions, improper execution of

    Key words: Decisions of constitutional (charter) courts, enforcement of court decisions, non-execution of court decisions, improper execution of court decisions, responsibility for non-execution of court decisions





    1.  Adler А. Parenting. Interaction of the sexes / A. & nbsp; Adler. - Moscow: Phoenix, 1999. - 448 pp.

    2.  Bessonova & T.L. Psychological features of sex role self-awareness and self-acceptance of the student's personality: the author's abstract. Dis. ... cand. crazy. Sciences / T.L. & nbsp; Bessonova. - M., 2014. - 23 pp.

    3.  Russian pedagogical encyclopedia; In 2 tons / ed. VV   Davydov. - Moscow: BRE, 1993. - T. 1. - 608 pp.

    4.  Skornyakova & nbsp; With. Gender aspects of education / S. & nbsp; Skornyakova // New knowledge. - 2013. - No. 3. - P. 40-41.